We the Catholic Community in the state of Wyoming, proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ, celebrate the sacraments of salvation, and invite people into a personal relationship with Christ through prayer, worship, and service of God and neighbor.
The Diocese of Cheyenne was established in 1887 and encompasses the entire state of Wyoming, including Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks. Our primary patroness is Our Lady of the Assumption (Feast Day, August 15).
The rich history of Catholicism in Wyoming began on July 5, 1840, when Father Pierre-Jean DeSmet said the first Catholic Mass near Horse Creek, at the Green River Rendezvous, in present-day Sublette County. The Diocese now includes 36 parishes and 34 missions, along with six Catholic schools. For more information on the wonderful ministries supported by the Diocese of Cheyenne, please visit www.dcwy.org.